Econe and the SSPX - beginnings
Some extracts from the writings of Archbishop Lefebvre
"Souls need to be enlightened by the truth, and by teachings concerning our Lord and God. We could make an effort to speak about the divine perfections, the Holy Trinity and our Lord who is God, because the more souls grow close to God, the more they want to serve Him and the more they hate offending Him.

“The Society is both contemplative and missionary. There is no apostolate without contemplation; Contemplation is not necessarily for the cloister. It is the Christian life; a life of Faith and the realities of our Faith. The great reality to contemplate is the Holy Mass. This is what must characterize the members of the society: contemplating Our Lord upon the cross and seeing there the summit of God’s love, a love even unto supreme sacrifice. That is what Our Lord is! This is what the Church contemplates primarily…And by this we will be missionaries: by the desire to pour out the blood
of Our Lord on souls. This the Mysterium Fidei to contemplate and to work for, the priestly mission par excellence. And the faithful gather around us because of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and for nothing else. One cannot be attached to the cross of Our Lord without being a missionary…
We must have total trust in the position we have taken because it is the Church’s attitude. It is not mine, it is not ‘that of Archbishop Lefebvre’ it is that of the church. One day or another all the rest will collapse."
“The priest and the future priest must find in his priesthood all his religious and apostolic virtues, and firstly the virtue of religion; hence he will respect the primacy of God’s love, divine praise, adoration and prayer.”
“Fight for the maintenance of Tradition and fight fearlessly. Above all we must strive, we must fight. Above all we must strive to preserve the rite of our Holy Mass because it is the foundation of the Church and of Christian civilization. If there were no longer a true Mass in the Church the Church would disappear.”
The defense of his Faith is the first duty of every Christian, more especially of every priest and bishop. Wherever an order carries with it danger of corrupting Faith and Morals, ‘disobedience’ becomes a grave duty. It is because we believe that our whole faith is endangered by the post-conciliar reforms and changes that it is our duty to ‘disobey’ and to maintain Traditions. The greatest service we can render the Catholic Church, the successor of Peter, the salvation of souls and of our own, is to say no to the reformed liberal Church, because we believe in Our Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God made man, who is neither liberal nor reformable.”
Jacques Debout in his poem “The Three against the Other” expresses through the mouth of Satan – who is attacking Our Lord – the value of a Mass.
What does He set up against us ?
The Eternal Sacrifice -
Which has crushed my head and
Despite my efforts daily wrenches from
Me both the living and the dead.
In the hidden but true, destiny of nations
Masses are so many revolutions.
Those which are unseen and in their lonely depths
Can disrupt worlds from within.
The Mass, overflowing both priest and Missal
Is an event, forever universal,
And when, powerless, I run my head against some obstacle.
It is because in a church, a barn or hut,
Some man poor and infirm, has held in his hand
The formidable Host and the dread Wine.

A Bishop Speaks.
Writings and addresses 1963-1975 by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre narrated in English by Nova et Vetera
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